Riverbourne Indentity 500ml

Riverbourne Indentity 500ml


The Identity is a soft, light and floral whisky, which typifies the Identitys and Edition 6 is no exception to the this. A spirit-driven whisky with the signature narrow cut, ensures the creation of this sought after handcrafted Australian Whisky. It is matured in 2 x 50L & 1 x 25L French Oak Barrels which previously had Red Wine from the Napa Valley, California. They have been scraped, re-charred and re-coopered. Then Virgin American Oak ends are used on the heads. These combination casks allows no dominant factor of the timber to overcome the delicious flavour of the spirit.

Tasting Notes

The warmth of the spring sun is exhilarating and fresh. Walking around the field is relaxing, stepping over fresh-cut hay which has a light caramel nuance. After breathing in, you get the sweet aroma of Honey Suckle and tranquillity.

As your journey continues, you see bees flying across the field and supplying their hives with bountiful honey. This sweetness you can already taste on your lips. Small amounts of warming peppery flavour of Allspice entice your senses and you exhale contently. As the sun sets you keep a balanced set of warming spice, sweetness and fabulous floral notes.

Nose: Caramel and Fresh Cut Hay open the aroma. Honey Suckle slowly emerges.

Palate: The Sweetness keeps one salivating via subtle honeycomb. The floral Honey Suckle blossoms, whilst small amounts of All Spice linger.

Finish: Medium drawn-out finish with an equal combination of sweetness, spice and Honey Suckle blossom.

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