Riverbourne Ultimatum 500ml

Riverbourne Ultimatum 500ml


A deeper and heavier whisky is the signature that the Ultimatum range brings to the Riverbourne Collection. Edition 3 is a full-flavoured and rich whisky, which remains balanced and gives amazing mouthfeel. This hand mashed Whisky is made with a deeper cut during the Spirit run, which gives greater richness identified with great amounts of Toffee, Marzipan and Nutmeg.

It is matured in 2 x 50L French Oak Barrels which previously had Red Wine from the Napa Valley, California. They have been scraped, re-charred and re-coopered. Then Virgin American Oak ends are used on the heads. These combination casks allows no dominant factor of the timber to overcome the delicious flavour of the spirit.

Tasting Notes

A city adventure is always great when you are dressed to impress. Despite the hustle and bustle, you remain vigilant; yet smooth like toffee as you walk with a sense of urgency. The cityscape is impressive with diverse architecture, but the blending of nature gives you the tranquil aroma of the Australian Bush.

The constant changing of sun and shade gives you a repetition of warmth and coolness. It leaves your mouth with a perpetual cycle of sweetness and spice. The sharpness of your suit gives a distinctive edge over others, but the confidence comes from your self preparation. As you reminisce upon the previous late night’s work, you can still taste that amazing whisky which had subtle Nutmeg, Almonds and a silken lingering mouthfeel. Upon arrival at your destination, you are feeling sharp and ready for business. Your senses leave you alert and ready for that drawn-out day, but balanced with sweetness and spice.

Nose: Toffee awakens the senses, which carries the scent of delicate amounts of Nutmeg. Subtle crushed Eucalyptus leaf wafts in and out.

Palate: The Toffee rush continues to intensify in the flavour. Almonds emerge with a great oily mouthfeel. The spice also grows with it’s unique Eucalyptus like taste.

Finish: Medium warming finish, which lingers with sweetness and spice.

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