Black Gate Country Coast Whisky 700ml

Black Gate Country Coast Whisky 700ml


Country to Coast is a collaboration of two Australian distilleries.

This malt whisky is a pairing of barrels. Two Apera casks filled with peated new make, one distilled and matured at Black Gate Distillery, the other distilled and matured at the Fleurieu Distillery in SA.

In mid-2022 these two casks were brought together at the Fleurieu Distillery. Here with diligence and respect to their individual character they were carefully put through the process of being blended, rested and adjusted to 50% alc/volume. After further resting, this beautifully integrated whisky was then bottled. We believe this is our best collaboration yet!

Tasting Notes

The whisky’s golden hue carries forward a nose of solid peat smoke over the restrained sweetness of stone fruit and vanillans. It offers multilayer complexity of peat mixed with signature Apera barrel characters. The balance and integration of smoke over briny coastal iodine and sweet country infused malt mingles well through to the end. Rural, urban or coastal, wherever you are, this release is sure to please throughout the remaining chilly months of Winter.

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