Underground Spirits Vodka 700ml

Underground Spirits Vodka 700ml


This multi award-winning vodka has been meticulously crafted from locally sourced, high quality, sustainable Australian wheat. Distillation sets up the spirit for carbon filtration, then we commence our cryofiltration process. Extreme low temperatures combined with nano materials enable extraction of impurities never before imaginable. The result is a premium vodka of unsurpassed purity and clarity. The taste is complex and delicate, with delectable creaminess and a sweet body. The vodka is silky smooth on the palate, the hallmark finish of Underground Spirits.

700ml 40% ABV

Tasting Notes: Pure & clean with a delectable creaminess and beautiful grainy finish

This is a personal favourite of mine. It is extremely clean and it makes a killer Caprioska - Grace

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