Underground Spirits Gin 700ml

Underground Spirits Gin 700ml


Our uniquely cryofiltered wheat grain spirit is the starting point of this modern spin on a classic, creating our multi- award-winning gin. We work to exact precision to deliver a fine balance of juniper, coriander seeds and angelica root. Next we add our noble native botanicals including lemon myrtle, river mint, Tasmanian pepperberry and locally sourced sustainable basil, bringing the vibrant flavour of Australia to the spirit. Poppyseed, cinnamon and black pepper complete the structure. Through maceration, vapour infusion and tinctures, this is our unmistakably Australian gin.

700ml 40% ABV

Tasting notes: Soft citrus and spicy tones underpin the assertive, herbaceous gin flavours with a citrus edge and freshness from the native river mint. Smooth enough to sip neat.

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