Ambrosia Rose Gin 700ml

Ambrosia Rose Gin 700ml


The flavour is soft yet complex, with the unmistakable hint of rose playing beautifully against classic gin botanicals. Whether you’re crafting a floral cocktail or enjoying it over ice, our rose gin brings a taste of elegance to every occasion.

Inspired by a goddess in the making, our rose gin is the perfect gift for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Whether it’s a special occasion or just a moment of indulgence, this gin adds a touch of mythic beauty to any celebration.

How to Enjoy: For a drink worthy of the gods, mix our rose gin with tonic and a garnish of fresh petals, or create a delicate martini that lets the rose shine. However you choose to enjoy it, this gin is sure to make every sip feel like a toast to something extraordinary.

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