Altina Light Me Up 750ml

Altina Light Me Up 750ml
Altina’s Light Me Up is a mocktail that can either be enjoyed on its own as a non-alcoholic drink or mixed to make a cocktail.
Light Me Up features forestberry, a native eucalypt with an interesting berry characteristic as the hero ingredient. Supported by native wattleseed, which brings a round nuttiness. As the flavour develops, taste the sweetness of apple and feel the astringency of the green tea play on your tongue. Finishing with a kick, the flavours linger and develop as you continue to sip. Lightly sparkling, best served ice cold.
As with all of Altina Drink’s Zero Proof Craft Cocktails, Light Me Up captures the essence of natural ingredients, without relying on excess sugar, fruit juices, or artificial colours and flavours. Free from alcohol, but not depth of flavour, enjoy Light Me Up without moderation.
Simply chill and pour - no need to mix! Each bottle serves 5 cocktails. Refrigerate after opening and consume within 2 days.
We recommend serving Light Me Up in a flute glass with our dehydrated apple garnishes